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Skein Saga FAQs

Below are some questions that you may have about Skein Saga. If you have any other questions about Skein Saga, feel free to contact me with them.

What is Skein Saga?

It's a project of passion for me that explores a fictional science fiction universe, ultimately created as a setting for an part online, part offline role-playing strategy commerce game. it was done as a way to explore the depths of my imagination and see how much of a real, functioning universe I could create.

Who did the art?

All drawings, paintings and schematics, as well as all text have been done by me, Greg Bahlmann.

Where is it set?

The setting is the universe as we know it ... kind of.

Is Skein Saga scientifically accurate?

No, not at all. If you are looking for scientific accuracy, this is perhaps not the place or you.

Some ships/ideas look like the ones from (insert other science fiction universe here)?

Some of the Skein Saga ships and ideas may remind you of those you have seen elsewhere and while I have tried hard not to be influenced by other science fiction universes, some "contamination" is inevitable. However, nothing I do is copied from any other universe and I will always drop any idea that I feel is too similar to something I have seen before.

Can the ships be used by gamers or hobbyists?

Although I'd love it if you could try out the Skein Saga game, I understand that many gamers have their own settings and rules, and for those personal, non-commercial games, you can copy and use whatever you want. However, if you want to publish work with my art or ideas in it, whether paid or not, please contact me.

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